• Remote

H3 Network Media Alliance

H3 Network Media Aliance has openings for a Regional Reporter for its DeafWire TV news show which streams on H3 World TV. 

DeafWire has a “World Regional Report” in each of six World Regions. Each Regional Reporter provides a monthly video report.

This is a great opportunity for the person who wants to report on Deaf News impacting their Region, cover issues that Deaf Communities are dealing with, report on quality of Deaf Life within the Region, and services that are available to Deaf people there. This person can also provide information relevant to Deaf tourists visiting their Region. This Regional Reporter will have the opportunity to advance opportunities, increase knowledge and create positive perceptions of Deaf Communities within their Region.

We are looking for deaf person who are knowledgeable and follow current issues and events in Deaf Communities within a specific World Region. This person will need to research, compile, write and present by filming him/herself using their mobile camera, and sending to us. Video should be up to 2 minutes.

We will edit, caption and stream the report as part of DeafWire once a month.

We are now recruiting “Regional Reporter” for these World Regions:

  • Oceania

This is a voluntary community service project but with great opportunities to promote yourself and your World Region! This is an opportunity to bring international attention to issues and events happening to Deaf communities within a specific Region.

What You Need:
Good knowledge of English and writing, networking with Deaf communities, aware of news/issues concerning Deaf communities. We prefer you use International Sign, but it is not required. 

For information, email: Opportunities@h3world.tv, Subject: “Regional Reporter”. 

To apply online: https://www.h3world.tv/form